When it comes to elder care, financial concerns are sometimes the biggest concerns, even dictating health care, long-term care and other important issues. That's because you can't provide any of that care without money. Most elder care services require significant financial resources...it's the most expensive stage of life. If you're young enough to make a difference for your senior years (55 or younger), visit our Financial Management Planning Help pages to get some tricks and tools to provide for your own elder care. If you're trying to provide elder care for someone who hadn't planned for their financial needs, you already know how important this is. Sadly, many people assume that Medicare and Medicaid will provide all they need. Here's the right way to look at Medicare and Medicaid: The next time you're in line at your local Department of Motor Vehicles, imagine them in charge of your elder care financial needs. In other words, unless you have to, you don't want the Government in charge of your Senior years. As you'll learn from the following pages, there is plenty of public support if you need it, but it's far better for you and your family to provide for your own financial elder care:
Medicare And Medicaid Use and Abuse covers the US resources that are available to seniors because they paid into the system their whole lives.
Gap Insurance Coverage offers tips on the types of insurance is needed to bridge the gap between Medicare and full coverage of medical expenses.
Long Term Care Insurance Health helps seniors decide how to cover any long-term assisted living or nursing care they may need.
Elder Care Law offers tips, examples and advice on how you can should arrange your legal affairs so you can get the senior care giving you need, handle any problems that may arise, and disperse the rest when you no longer need it.
What Is Power Of Attorney covers how you can assign authority over your finances and health care decisions while you're still alive but no longer able to take care of these things yourself.
Living Trust Basics-Advantages discusses what to look for in a living trust and what advantages there are over other ways to disperse your assets after death.
Senior Health Care covers many issues and illnesses unique to senior care, giving a broad picture of the senior health care environment.
Senior Care Giving covers the many issues that elder care providers, whether professional or a caring loved one, will want to consider to give the proper care.
Assisted Living Questions-Concepts covers the types of assisted living available for in-home and in-facility senior care and answers many common questions on the subject.
Elderly Caregiver Support is a list of tips for those who provide senior care giving. The purpose of this page is to give caregivers release mechanisms and self-care techniques to vent the stress before it vents itself in unwanted ways.
Senior Issues Forum - Find answers on Medicare, Assisted Living, Legal concerns and general interest to seniors.
Senior Issues
Age Dementia Symptoms
Alzheimers Disease
Assisted Living Questions
Assisted Living Evaluation
Diabetic Meters-Medicare
Elder Abuse-Dealing
Elder Care Law
Elderly Caregiver Support
Estate Planning Info.
Financial Elder Care
Gap Insurance Coverage
Living Trust Basics
Living Will
Long Term Care Insurance
Medicaid Qualifications
Medicare 72 Hour Rule
Medicare And Medicaid
Osteoporosis Symptoms
Parkinson Disease Signs
Power Of Attorney
Arthritis Pain Relief
Reverse Home Mortgage
Senior Health Care
Senior Issues Forum
Senior Care Giving
Senior Care Books
Family Life Today
Physical Illnesses-Cures
Elder Financial Resources
Elder Law Resources