Codependence has often been considered one of those "made-up" terms to describe an uncomfortable circumstance as if it were a "real" condition. In her autobiography, Teresa Hamilton reveals just how real codependency can be. As she struggles through life-threatening situations with her alcoholic, drug addicted and often violent husband, we're drawn to yell, "Get out of there!"...but she can't. She is as addicted as her husband, not to drugs, but to "make it work." This is the very real condition of a codependent...addicted to being needed to fix things. Teresa's story is told in frank detail, taking us through the emotions she felt while being ignored, cheated and abused and while being greatly helped by strangers she calls "angels," at the points of greatest desperation. Her story gives us hope that, regardless of circumstances we can recover from addiction to our "dream life," just like Teresa. For the next several weeks, we'll review the book, chapter-by-chapter. Get your copy now, so you can follow along.
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For more depth, here are the latest books on codependency.
Also, here are the recent top selling books on addiction.
Introduction To The Power Of Addicted Love
Outline to The Power Of Addicted Love
Chapter 4, Denial And Enabling
Chapter 5, The Five Minute Wedding
Chapter 10, Battered And Flattered
Chapter 11, Kicked In The Stomach
Chapter 14, Temporary Independence
Chapter 15, Forget And Forgive
Chapter 18, Greg Helped Teresa Move Out
Chapter 20, Tom And Teresa's Dream Life
Whether you're addicted to a substance, activity or addicted to helping someone who is, there is one reliable source for help to recovery. The one source that can give you complete God. He is the higher power behind all valid 12-step programs. If you want His help, just click on God Help Me.