While researching, I discovered, like anorexia, there are people searching for help and instructions on how to become Bulimic...and people who are offering such help. In fact, there seem to be more people searching for instructions on how to become bulimic than for how to recover. This is a serious disease that many have died from. Don't allow yourself to be fooled into believing you're somehow less because you have a few more pounds than those on TV. That idea is the beginning of a serious eating disorder. The fact is, for long-term popularity and relationships, who you are in character is far more important than how you look. If you're concerned about how others see you, work on being kind, honest, loyal, outgoing, loving, and cheerful. To get more information, try these recent top-selling books on bulimia nervosa.
Bulimia Nervosa is kinda' like a combination of food addiction and anorexia nervosa. Usually due to an emotional trigger, the Bulimic compulsively overeats, or binges on food...guilt from overeating and fear of becoming fat causes them to purge the food, using vomiting, laxatives, restrictions or excessive exercise...feelings of starvation from the purging add to the emotional trigger to bring on the next binge. The person becomes literally obsessed with both eating and losing weight at the same time. Typical symptoms are night raids of the refrigerator or cupboards. Excessive food intake with little or no weight gain or normal intake with weight loss. Binge eating. Regular bathroom visits after meals. Because these things are usually easy to spot in yourself or others, I didn't include a self-test. If your symptoms include weight loss, your disease may include anorexia, visit Anorexia Nervosa Tips for more information.
It's almost universally accepted that Bulimia, like other eating disorders, is not about food or eating. Some think the cause is nutrition, genetics, upbringing or chemical imbalance. Others think it's our false image of the attractive person being thin put forth by advertising campaigns and television. There isn't very much agreement as to the cause of Bulimia Nervosa, any eating disorder, or any kind of addiction, for that matter. What most do agree on is that our "self-image" or how we feel about and see ourselves is at the root of Bulimia Nervosa, just like anorexia nervosa. Many Bulimics have an elevated sense of what "normal" is, that's almost always just beyond their reach. This sense of perfectionism tends to drive them to both extreme diet and eating to the extreme. We have a negative mental body image that overshadows the actual facts about our looks and our weight. A negative self-image, a feeling of emptiness and unworthiness causes us to excessively eat and then purge ourselves with vomiting, laxatives or exercise, in an effort to feel better about ourselves. We feel worse as we increasingly try, and fail, to improve our self-image with food. We'll suffer many or the effects below unless this negative cycle is interrupted and replaced with a positive one. The good news is, the cycle can be interrupted...we can have a positive self-image.
Effects: Like other eating disorders, a nutritional imbalance is one of the first effects, as you deny your body the opportunity to digest the food you've just eaten. Of course, this only adds to the drive to binge at your next eating opportunity. This grows into fatigue and severe nutritional deficiencies. With Bulimia, the teeth and esophagus begin to get eaten away by stomach acids and the bowel becomes irritated from too frequent laxative use. Often, the body begins wasting away as if it had terminal cancer. Add chronic illnesses, such as hypertension, stress, asthma, cardio-vascular disease in mid-disease. Later stages include organ damage and often death. Additionally, these diseases include a progressive decline into depression, causing limited participation with family and friends, and sometimes suicide.
Since self-image is the root of the disorder, many teens suffer from Bulimia Nervosa. There are many Treatments of Bulimia Nervosa, usually involving a drug therapy and counseling. Like with Anorexia, anti-depressants seem to have some effect at reducing the extremes and giving the person a fighting chance because they help people improve how they see themselves. Just like alcoholism and drug addiction, Bulimia Nervosa is an addiction. Unfortunately, we can't abstain from food without dying. The best way to our recovery is to find a healthy way to fill the void in our self-image. What do we fill our void with? Actually, we were designed with this void, so we would seek a relationship that makes us happy, healthy and mentally strong. The relationship is with God...our designer. God! He can help us see ourselves through love, the way He sees us. No matter what your current treatment, God can give you a positive self-image and heal you from any disorder. Everyone with Bulimia Nervosa should hear god's words, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry..." If you want His help just click on God's Help.
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